Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recent Photos

So, one of my good friends is recording an album at the moment and has (finally!) come up with a name for it and seeing that I did the photo shoot with her and have been waiting for the name so I could start work on an actual album cover for it. Here are just some ideas. I'm gonna take another stab at some other photos I got from that shoot and we're also going to do another photo shoot to give us more variety. I can't wait to post up the finished results for it once I'm done with it. These are just some first takes of ideas with the actual album title.

And now we come to winter time! One of my most favorite times of the year because it's so pretty. I just love taking photos of snow and living in a small town only helps because it adds a very country/vintage feel. We still have cobblestone roads down our main street. It's pretty amazing. Here are quite a few of the most recent pictures I've taken. I took a few pictures of my mom's winter figurines and gave them back stories on facebook. I have nothing better to do with my time since I'm jobless, I guess, so why not?

Also, I'm going to go ahead and post a link to a cover I did of Christie Dupree's "Sunday Morning". I love this song and so I decided to cover it...


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